For over five decades, the Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA), has been developing and delivering strategic programmes supporting professional growth, good governance, strategic thinking and wellbeing in international schools across the continent.
We also provide our members with access to world-leading experts, advisors, trainers and facilitators specialising in matters such as school governance and leadership, professional learning, blended learning, child protection and wellbeing, inclusive education, innovation and technology, and more.
AISA’s membership includes some 80 Associate Members comprising businesses, organisations and universities throughout the world whose primary mission is to serve the various needs of our member schools. The contribution of these Learning Partners is invaluable.
AISA ensures that school leaders, educators, and co-professionals are always learning and growing, thereby creating a productive school environment within which fresh, new ideas and practices can inspire students to focus, flourish and fully prepare to become global citizens.
Click here to find out more about AISA.
Plan your learning diary for the year ahead, and view AISA’s long-term PLI calendar here.
AISA’s Professional Learning (PL) events are focused, high-impact events that address the unique qualities of teaching, leading, and learning in an international school setting. AISA values learning where participants collaborate, practice in their school setting, and are ready to implement meaningful, sustained change as a result of their PL experience.
With this in mind, we have designed Deep Dives that blend synchronous and asynchronous PL. Each Deep Dive takes a thematic focus and explores it in-depth, thus preparing participants to take the next steps in their practice at school. Our Virtual Conference Day combines impactful professional learning with conversations to connect and reflect with colleagues from across our region.
As well as offering aspects of teaching, leading and learning in our Deep Dives and Virtual Conference Day, AISA provides specialist learning opportunities for co-professionals in schools including librarians, counsellors, business managers, school nurses, and admissions managers. Everyone in the AISA network of schools has the opportunity to learn collaboratively, share good practices, and contribute further to the effectiveness of their schools.
A newsfeed of the latest news and articles from AISA and other reliable resources. You’re sure to find something of interest.
The Association of International Schools in Africa is dedicated to serving its members throughout Africa. Please let us know if you require additional or specific information, resources and or support, and we will endeavour to assist you as soon as possible.