Visiting Consultant & Author

Visiting Consultant Programme

Essentially, the AISA Visiting Consultant Programme provides advisory, logistical and financial support to member schools that need on-site or virtual consultant services. AISA has a pool of vetted, high-calibre consultants who deliver bespoke services that meet the specific needs of the participating schools.
Schools that have utilised this service in the past have included governance training, curriculum development, early childhood training, guidance and testing, ESL, Board training, music, to name just a few.

Visiting Consultant Programme Details:

The programme entails schools teaming up with AISA to jointly select and invite a consultant to visit each participating school for two to five days.

The following details apply:

  • Participating schools must be AISA full member schools with a current membership.
  • The host schools will negotiate and pay professional fees directly to the consultant.

Apply to be a visiting author

Visiting Author Programme

Due to the high cost of international travel to Africa, for many schools in the AISA region bringing out an international author is prohibitively high.

The Visiting Author Programme enables schools within a sub-region of Africa to jointly engage an author who will spend up to a week in each school, working with students and teachers to share stories and experiences as well as run training sessions for teachers and librarians.

AISA provides funding to the schools significantly reducing the travel cost burden on each school and ensuring that our students still receive the benefits and inspiration that these author visits provide.

Visiting Author Programme Details:

  • AISA coordinates this programme whose objective is to provide a vibrant, engaging learning experience for the whole school community; students, parents and teachers.
  • Participating schools must be AISA Full Member Schools with current membership;
  • AISA pays round-trip airfare for the author from their home to each participating school;
  • AISA pays for visas and other costs related to travel;
  • Each host school will negotiate and pay professional fees directly to the author;
  • Each host school pays for all on-site expenses including the author’s accommodation, local transport etc;
  • Each host school pays AISA US$825 as a participation fee. There should be no less than three schools per visit (or if fewer schools are involved, the participating schools will be required to pay the equivalent of three schools’ participation fees i.e. $2,475).

For more information on how your school could benefit from the visiting author programme contact or click on the below button to complete the application form.

Are you an Author?

If you are an author and wish to visit international schools in Africa to share your stories, AISA can assist in arranging your visitation if you meet the following criteria:

  • You have published books for an international school audience at any level i.e. KG, ES, MS, HS
  • You have presented workshops and/or institutes for librarians or teachers on various methods of teaching and learning using storytelling, narration, etc
  • You are conversant with the needs of international schools and especially third culture education
  • You have an articulate training programme that you would like to offer to AISA Schools

If so, then submit your resume and training programme for consideration by AISA and its member schools. Take note that your submission does not imply that you will definitely be included in the consultant pool. Submissions should be sent to


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International School of Kenya Campus, Kirawa Rd, Nairobi, Kenya
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P.O. Box 14103 - 00800, Nairobi, Kenya
+254 (20) 2697442 / 8076067
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The Association of International Schools in Africa is dedicated to serving its members throughout Africa. Please let us know if you require additional or specific information, resources and or support, and we will endeavour to assist you as soon as possible.

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