AISA’s Well-being for All vision is:
To promote the implementation of evidenced-informed child protection, mental health and well-being, student support and inclusion, and DEIJ strategies in member schools that ensure that teachers, students, and their school communities feel safe, supported, and able to flourish.
The growing prevalence and severity of mental health difficulties experienced by both educators and students in our international schools is an issue of significant concern for AISA. AISA is increasingly aware of the need to mitigate and redress the high levels of psychological distress experienced by substantial numbers in our community.
AISA’s Well-being for All program is designed to help educators, school leaders and co-professionals develop teaching and learning environments and practices that better support student mental health and well-being. It also addresses educator well-being by encouraging educators, school leaders and co-professionals to develop a greater awareness of and ability to manage stress and promote their own well-being. Well-being for ALL is AISA’s umbrella program for everything we do to advance the felt sense of safety, well-being, and belonging in school communities.
AISA is grateful to the Well-being for ALL Design Team which supports the design, implementation, and monitoring of this strategic program. The 2024-25 members of the Design Team are:
Our Well-being For All program is a key strategic priority for AISA, which is why we are committed to offering world-class professional learning; the aim of which is to equip your school to implement initiatives that foster the mental health and well-being of your entire school community.
AISA’s Well-being for All Program provides member schools with the chance to participate in both online and in-person learning experiences throughout the year.
AISA Well-being for All Symposium
For the first time, AISA is introducing a one-day Well-being for All Symposium as a pre-conference to the AISA 2024 Conference in Cape Town. This single-day gathering on 31st October is for all school leaders and learners committed to championing well-being for all. This event will showcase initiatives that have positively impacted AISA school communities, thus spotlighting innovative practices and insights that can serve as a source of inspiration for all member schools in Africa.
Well-being for All: Make it Happen
This comprehensive, multi-strand PLI aims to spotlight effective practices in mental health and well-being, child protection, DEIJ, and student support to promote the safety, well-being and inclusion of all students and staff within member schools. We recognize that students who are confident, resilient, and emotionally aware tend to excel academically, and these skills enhance their capacity to cultivate healthy relationships and become active, contributing members of society. We want to Make it Happen, and this event will provide delegates with practical approaches to improve the well-being of all students and staff who make it happen.
We also have several online offerings so that all our members can access world-class learning from your school or home.
See AISA's Learning eventsCARES is our framework for implementing our Well-being for All program that aims to assist members in creating more inclusive and supportive school communities. We want to work together to ensure that every student and educator feels valued and empowered to achieve their fullest potential.
AISA has a substantial range of wellbeing resources curated from some of the most respected experts in the field. These resources are easily searchable and downloadable to all AISA member schools’ leaders, educators, programme coordinators, and co-professionals responsible for their school’s wellbeing programme.
Browse our Mental Health and Well-being Resources
Unfortunately, events occur within the locale of our schools that are outside of the schools’ control, but which can adversely affect our school communities. Traumatic events that may impact AISA schools can include terrorist attacks, coup d’etat, civil unrest, war, communicable disease outbreak, or natural disaster.
These events can cause significant disruption to a school’s operations which can have adverse consequences for the mental health and well-being of staff and the entire school community.
AISA can support schools through this time by offering assistance in the form of funds to have trained counselors from the region travel to the school to provide direct services to children, staff, and parents. Additionally, AISA’s professional development program will include training on issues such as security, traumatic incident planning, and trauma recovery to equip schools in their planning for such an eventuality.
To find out how your school can access support via the AISA Traumatic Incident Fund, contact Chanel Worsteling, at
Download AISA's Protocl for Accessing Counselling and Trauma Funds
AISA is excited to have The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), leading experts in the area of SEL, join our professional learning programme this year.
The Truman Group has come on board to support the wellbeing and professional growth of AISA school heads, counsellors and child protection coordinators through online psychological counselling. The certified and highly experienced consultants at the Truman Group provide counselling on a broad range of issues, including anxiety and depression, trauma, grief and loss, maintaining sobriety, relationship issues, life transitions, and anger and stress management. In addition, the Truman Group also has clinicians on staff who specialize in working with adolescents and children.
International School Counselor Association (ISCA)
The International School Counseling Association provides leadership and advocacy for the profession of school counselling in international schools. ISCA provide resources, professional development, and a collaborative network benefiting student success in our global community. We are dedicated to meeting the unique needs of international school counsellors working at international schools.
AISA Learning Partners are trusted consultants who are world class leaders in their areas of expertise. Listed on our website are consultants that we, or our member schools, would recommend to support your school improvement plans.
See all ASIA AssociatesSee All AISA Consultants