Across Africa, many talented and academically gifted girls cannot complete their schooling due to various social, economic or cultural reasons. Key among these is a lack of financial support. In her lifetime, Margaret Sanders was a keen supporter of girls’ education. Now, thanks to a generous endowment from her family and friends, AISA is proud to offer the Margaret Sanders AISA Scholarship for Girls.
Funds permitting, this annual scholarship may be offered to more than one student per year.
Participating schools commit to covering core tuition costs associated with the student’s education, year on year until graduation. The Margaret Sanders AISA Scholarship supports the school contribution by covering a full range of incidental expenses such as extracurricular activities, school camps and IT expenses.
Award maximum: US$2,000 per annum per student
Each AISA Full Member school is invited to identify and process applications from female students who are first-country nationals residing in countries where the school is located. Although there is no age restriction for this scholarship, candidates will normally be high school students (Grades 9-12). Support for students commencing earlier than grade 9 will be considered under exceptional circumstances.
All applications must be received from a Full Member School. Individual students cannot apply to AISA directly for this scholarship.
Key Nomination Dates:
The Association of International Schools in Africa is dedicated to serving its members throughout Africa. Please let us know if you require additional or specific information, resources and or support, and we will endeavour to assist you as soon as possible.