Developing Minds of the Future

POSTED: April 13, 2020Category: AISA ArticlesBY: Richard Moire

By Dr Michael Lovorn, Director of International Graduate Programme for Educators and Director of Sponsored International Programmes, SUNY Buffalo State

Developing Minds of the Future is an ‘online conference’ hosted by Core 21 Educational Services and set to take place between May and August 2020. The conference has been conceived to enable international educators to continue graduate studies, professional development, and continuing education during these times of uncertainty. The conference is to be made up of at least 20 cutting-edge workshops led by renowned experts and offered in ala carte fashion. Eligible participants* may earn up to six graduate (EDU 596 Conference) credits that may be applied toward their SUNY Buffalo State master’s degree.

Workshop titles and descriptions are available on the Core 21 website. Sessions will be delivered completely online and each is the equivalent of nine instructional contact hours; therefore, eligible participants may earn one graduate credit for successfully completing two sessions (18 contact hours), two graduate credits for successfully completing four sessions (36 contact hours), and three graduate credits for successfully completing five sessions (45 contact hours).

Eligible participants who successfully complete ten sessions (90 contact hours) will earn six graduate credits in EDU 596. A comprehensive conference reflection assignment has been designed to deepen in complexity depending on the number of credits being sought, and all earned credits will appear on participants’ transcripts in August 2020.

Three very important provisos:

1. This online conference is a concerted effort to support PD and keep eligible participants on track toward program completion despite course cancellations. It is NOT intended to undermine cohort schedules and/or accelerate program completion. Cohort students are encouraged to consult their site coordinator about eligibility, keeping in mind those relying on employer tuition supplement may not be permitted to enroll in online workshop or conference credit.

2. I ask that school heads and/or site coordinators reach out to me directly (relatively soon) if they prefer I not extend this offer to their teachers due to previously-scheduled courses or for any other reason.

3. A maximum of six EDU 594 (workshop) and/or EDU 596 (conference) credits may be applied toward the 30-credit SUNY Buffalo State master’s degree. Active IGPE students interested in taking advantage of this unique opportunity – particularly those unsure of how many EDU 594/596 credits they have earned to date – should contact our academic advisor Nicole Calamunci prior to registration.

*An “eligible participant” is defined as an educator in international schools who has been accepted to and is in good standing with the SUNY Buffalo State Graduate School and is in good academic standing prior to beginning the workshop(s) in question.

Some elements of this conference are still in development. If you have questions about SUNY Buffalo State credits, by all means, let me know. If you have questions about content and delivery, feel free to reach out to Joan Della Valle here. Thank you all. Stay safe!

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