As international schools across Africa start winding down their current academic year, AISA is stepping up its Professional Learning programme.
The Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA) has put together a comprehensive programme of online discussion groups and webinars, Professional Learning Institutes (PLIs), retreats and our annual conference in November.
Starting in the new school year, the programme collectively titled ‘What Now and What Next? Shaping The Future for International Schools in Africa’, runs through August and September 2020, and offers a breadth of discussion groups and webinars exploring a range of topics. This online Professional Learning programme has something for everyone, from school governing boards and leadership to educators, counsellors and co-professionals.
“Whilst the challenges associated with the current pandemic, certainly accelerated our strategic plans to set up virtual delivery of our professional learning events, fortuitously, planning had already started,” says Graham Watts, AISA’s Director of Professional Learning. “Having formalised our strategy, we were quickly able to engage with and secure world-class facilitators for our online events.”
AISA’s Professional Learning events address both the short and long term needs of its member schools as they start the new academic year.
Events such as the ‘Blended Learning Series’ facilitated by Catlin Tucker, ‘Strategies to Build Community, Friendship and Compassion in a Virtual Classroom’ with Maria Hersey and ‘Communicating in Challenging Times’ with Jen Abrams support AISA members as they continue with online learning or move to a blended learning methodology. The AISA School Heads and ES, MS and HS Principals Meetings will focus on long term strategies set to shape the future on international schools in our region.
In addition, AISA has included forums, meetings and webinars for health officers, finance and HR, student support coordinators, admissions officers are others.
“It is our ongoing quest to support our member schools and offer world-class professional development opportunities that are relevant, effective and accessible. This is why all the discussion forums and webinars in the ‘What Now and What Next? Shaping The Future for International Schools in Africa’ are being offered free of charge to our members,” concludes Graham Watts.
The Association of International Schools in Africa is dedicated to serving its members throughout Africa. Please let us know if you require additional or specific information, resources and or support, and we will endeavour to assist you as soon as possible.