OneConnect provides solutions for companies to harness their data into a valuable asset.

Professional biography

Everyone, regardless of geography, financial situation, stage of life or disability, deserves access to education and a connected support system. OneConnect Education's aim is to democratize education in Africa through the most innovative EdTech products. We offer solutions for every stage of the education cycle, and in this vein, we introduce PowerSchool our partner in K-12 solutions.

Supporting Digital Transformation for International Schools around the world.

PowerSchool’s mission is to empower educators, administrators, and families to help students learn in a way that’s right for them. Our solutions help international schools support student success by increasing system security, teacher effectiveness, college, career, and life readiness, and family engagement. Our comprehensive, data-driven approach is designed to ensure personalized education for every journey.

Learning Supported by OneConnect

Comprehensive Data Management: Gain a deeper understanding of your data with predictive reporting and intuitive dashboards that help visualize trends in key initiatives such as enrollment, staff support, and early warning alerts.

Curriculum Management: Build and share a cohesive curriculum framework that provides improved vertical alignment between lesson planning, content, instruction, and national, state, and local standards.

Centralized Communication and Collaboration: Increase student support with built-in messaging, announcements, calendars, notifications, and multi-language support alongside Groups to support PLCs, parent groups, extracurricular activities, and more

Engaging Instructional Delivery: Provide students with engaging digital learning experiences built with AI-generative technology specifically designed to meet ongoing instructional needs and interests as students explore options for future success.


Contact details
  • +27114634542
  • 340 Witch-Hazel, Eco Court, Centurion, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa
Areas of expertise
  • LMS
  • SIS
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  • Prepare Students for Future Success: Ensure personalized instruction based on a student’s unique academic and social and emotional learning (SEL) needs as they prepare for college, career, and lifelong success.
  • Improve Family Engagement: Provide parents with a centralized, intuitive experience in multiple languages to see assignments, attendance, announcements, and even complete enrollment forms and update information all in one place.
  • Simplify Information Management: Build and manage all aspects of your schools—like schedules, grading, facilities, health data, demographic information , and multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) programs—with intuitive dashboards that inform your goals and strategies.
  • Increase Teacher Effectiveness: Increase the efficacy of instruction with digital curriculum mapping alongside lesson planning, professional development (PD), assessment, content (including Microsoft and Google), and instructional delivery tools with built-in AI functionality.
  • Elevate Organizational Security: With innovative tools like PowerSchool Connected Intelligence, the first fully-managed data as a service (DaaS) platform, PowerSchool continues to be committed to student data privacy across the education technology ecosystem.

Contact us

Physical address
International School of Kenya Campus, Kirawa Rd, Nairobi, Kenya
Postal Address
P.O. Box 14103 - 00800, Nairobi, Kenya
+254 (20) 2697442 / 8076067
General Email:
AISA Conferences:
AISA Accounts:
Executive Director:
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The Association of International Schools in Africa is dedicated to serving its members throughout Africa. Please let us know if you require additional or specific information, resources and or support, and we will endeavour to assist you as soon as possible.

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