ISK’s Middle School Principal Awarded Principal of the Year for 2019

POSTED: May 3, 2019Category: NewsBY: Richard Moire

Alexa Schmid, the International School of Kenya’s Middle School Principal, has been selected by the U.S. Department of State as Principal of the Year for 2019.

With 16 years of teaching and leadership experience, Ms. Alexa Schmid has combined her passion for education, a steady vision, and strong leadership to create an environment in which students and teachers achieve success together, and where emphasis is placed on the development of student-led opportunities and creating a sense of belonging and identity for middle school students.

According to the International School of Kenya’s Director, Mr. David Henry, “Alexa Schmid has a can-do attitude that gives her the ability to quickly adapt to new situations and find solutions that all can agree with. This, coupled with her humbleness and evidence of student success, makes her a deserving recipient of the National Association of Secondary School Principals Award.”

“I am deeply pleased and honored to receive this prestigious award,” said Schmid. “There are many metaphors that can explain our role as leaders; however, my favorite is one of principal as a gardener. In this vein, our job as leaders is to nurture and support those in our community to blossom,” stated Schmid. “I need to create fertile ground and a space where creativity, innovation, and possibilities seem endless. I try to do this through modeling risk-taking and curiosity.”

As a distinguished principal recipient, Ms. Schmid has been invited to participate in The National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) National Principal of the Year (POY) program for 2019, where she will be recognized among similarly named principals from the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, the Department of Defence Education Activity, and the U.S. Department of State Office of Overseas Schools.

The award, sponsored by NASSP, is given in recognition of providing high-quality learning opportunities for students as well as demonstrating exemplary contributions to the profession.

Ms. Schmid will travel to Washington, D.C. in late September 2019 to participate in the NASSP National POY ceremonies. During the event, principals will participate in professional development, network with NASSP staff and their peers, and on Tuesday, October 1st be officially recognized for their achievement during an awards program and reception.

“Alexa’s input into her school community continues to be an admirable example of positive leadership,” says Henry. “She has been an invaluable asset to the International School of Kenya, and we are confident her impact on our students and community will resonate for years to come. As a community, we are exceptionally proud of her and all of her accomplishments.”

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