Discussion Group Guide

AISA’s recently relaunched Discussion Groups are an excellent way to connect with other AISA members, share and find resources, and keep up to date on topics relevant to your role and specific areas of interest.

affinity Groups

AISA Affinity Groups provide a welcoming and respectful space to connect with a community based on shared identity.

AISA BIPOC Educators

Audience: We are pleased to welcome people who identify as Black, Indigenous, or as a Person of Color to hold space together and in solidarity

Welcome to AISA’s BIPOC Affinity Group!

We are pleased to welcome people who identify as Black, Indigenous, or as a Person of Color to hold space together and in solidarity.

We use this as a space to:

  • Share our ideas
  • Experiences
  • Resources

  • AISA DEIJ Collaborative

    Facilitator: Chanel Worsteling (AISA) & Shelly Maldonado (ISK)

    Audience: This group is open to all staff working in an AISA school

    This groups aims to provide a safe space for all educators and school leaders in the AISA region to meet to discuss how our schools can become more attuned to DEIJ issues and to chart a plan of action leading to the educational reform required to make our schools more diverse, equitable, inclusive, and just places to work and learn together.

    AISA Pride Affinity Group

    Facilitator: Dr Graham Calini Watts

    Audience: This group is for staff in AISA schools who identify as part of the Diverse Gender and Sexual Identities

    This private group offers a safe space for educators who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, or Queer to connect in solidarity and to foster a more welcoming and respectful space within the international education community in Africa.

    To join this group, contact Graham Watts

    AISA Women in Leadership

    Facilitator: Nneka Johnson (AISA Board) & Tiwana Merritt (AISJ)

    Audience: This group is for women working in an AISA school as leaders in any capacity or those who are interested in seeking leadership roles

    The Women in Leadership group is a place for women leaders and aspiring leaders to connect, encourage and support each other through peer to peer support, coaching and learning together.

    Host Nation Educators

    Facilitator: Felix Malombe (AISA) & Maipelo Nguessan (International Community School of Abidjan)

    This Affinity Group is for any educator, co-professional or leader working in an AISA member school who identifies as African. The purpose of the group is to foster a community focused o‌n sharing experiences, resources, and support.

    community Groups

    AISA Community Groups invite AISA members working in similar roles or with similar areas of responsibility to connect, encourage, support, reflect, and problem-solve together.

    AISA Admissions, Communications & Advancement Officers

    Audience: All AISA administrators, educators and co-professionals

    Welcome! This is an online community for people involved in Admissions in the AISA region.

    This is a space where we can share insights, ask for advice and information and share resources.

    AISA Child Protection Group

    Audience: AISA members that are part of Child Protection Team, or have interest in Child Protection

    If you are a member of your school's Child Protection Team, or just want to learn more about how you can advocate for and enhance the safety and wellbeing of students in your school, then this group is for you. This group is designed to offer support, guidance, and encouragement as you lead your school’s efforts to keep children safe.

    AISA College Counsellors

    Audience: Collage Counsellors

    This is an online community forum for College Counsellors to collaborate and share information and resources.

    Note that if you wish to join our Social Emotional Counsellors’ group you can apply here.

    AISA Counsellors

    Audience: School Counsellors

    This is an AISA online community group for any school counsellor working in an AISA member school.

    With the increased stress in our schools, looking after the wellbeing of our community is more important than ever. Here we can connect, encourage, support, reflect, and problem-solve together

    AISA Elementary School Principals

    Audience: AISA Elementary School Principals

    Are you an Elementary School Principal in an AISA member school?

    If so, you should consider joining this community to network, share and collaborate with other ES Principals in the AISA region.

    AISA Executive and Admin Assistants

    Audience: Executive and Admin Assistants

    The AISA Executive and Admin Assistants Community of Practice is a platform that provides opportunity for like minded professionals to exchange ideas, solve problems and share resources.

    AISA Finance and Business Officers

    Audience: Finance and Business Officers

    Welcome to the online community for finance and business officers of AISA member schools.

    As the business of keeping an international school thriving has become more complex, here is a space for you to meet to discuss key issues and find support.

    AISA Health Officers

    Audience: School nurses and Health officers

    The AISA Health Officers group is made up of school nurses, health officers and others tasked with the wellbeing of AISA school communities.

    The group is sharing ideas, protocols & policies for AISA schools to assist them to manage the consequences of health issues that may affect AISA Schools throughout Africa.

    AISA High School Principals

    Audience: High School Principals

    Are you a High School Principal in an AISA member school?

    If so, you should consider joining this community to network, share and collaborate with other HS Principals in the AISA region.

    AISA Human Resources Forum

    Audience: Human Resources Managers

    This forum is for HR managers in AISA Schools. As we learn to adjust to the new reality of working in AISA schools, your role has become even more important.

    Please use this space to find support and to problem solve together with your colleagues in our schools.

    AISA IB Diploma Community

    Audience: Those who teach the IB Diploma Program

    This is a community of practice for those in AISA member schools who teach any phases (PYP, MYP or DP) of the IB programs. the Middle Years Program.

    It is open to all AISA schools and has the aim of offering support for teachers in the region. It is also intended that through communication in this community, we will be able to identify shared professional learning needs for teachers, and if possible, arrange cluster model trainings in our region to meet such needs.

    AISA Library and Media

    Audience: Librarians and Media practitioners

    A community for librarians and media practitioners in international schools in the AISA region to share, collaborate and network.

    AISA MYP Community

    Audience: School members teach the Middle Years Program

    This is a community of practice for those in AISA member schools who teach the Middle Years Program. It is open to all AISA schools and has the aim of offering support for teachers in the region.

    It is also intended that through communication is this community, we will be able to identify shared professional learning needs for MYP teachers and if possible, arrange a cluster model training to meet such needs.

    AISA Professional Learning Coordinators

    Audience: School members

    Planning professional learning for a school is a complex task; allocating precious funds, selecting facilitators, and juggling priorities. This group discusses ideas, plans possibilities and learns from others in the same role, and similar schools as you. This forum, comprised of others who share your responsibilities for professional growth and learning, is available for you to ask for advice, find out if other schools are working towards similar goals to yours, seek suggestions for high-quality facilitators, or to find opportunities to share the services of an international facilitator working in another AISA school.

    AISA PYP Community

    Audience: School members teaching Primary Years Program

    This is a community of practice for those in AISA member schools who teach the Primary Years Program. It is open to all AISA schools and has the aim of offering support for teachers in the region.

    It is also intended that through communication is this community, we will be able to identify shared professional learning needs for PYP teachers and if possible, arrange a cluster model training to meet such needs.

    AISA Service Learning Practitioners

    Audience: All those involved in any way in Service Learning & CAS

    If you are involved in any way in service learning & CAS in your school, you should seriously consider joining this group to network and collaborate with other job-a-likes.

    The purpose of this group is to build a virtual community of people who can share ideas, tools, skills and expertise. It should meet your needs. If it does not please be sure to share what your needs are so we can help you get the most out of this community.

    AISA Small Schools Initiative (SSI)

    Audience: Heads of small Schools

    This is an AISA lead forum where you can connect with other heads of small schools to discuss issues related specifically to addressing the needs of small schools in the AISA region.

    AISA Student Support Service Coordinators

    Audience: Learning support teams in AISA schools

    This is a dedicated online space for learning support teams in AISA schools to connect and compare notes, share resources and seek support from your peers.

    As the education environment changes, so too must the strategies we adopt for supporting learners.

    AISA Innovative Schools Programme

    Audience: Technology Directors and Coordinators

    Members of this group are typically those responsible for implementing and managing technology systems, platforms, and software IT setups in their respective schools. In this collaborative forum, we exchange ideas, share experiences, and discuss best practices regarding technology systems, platforms, and IT setups in AISA schools.

    The focus is on how these tech infrastructures can optimise student learning. This group is an important knowledge-sharing hub for addressing challenges and enhancing edtech application within the AISA community.


    Audience: Heads of Schools

    This group is an opportunity to connect with other school heads, discuss issues and important topics, and share resources.

    Positive Transitions-Care Group

    The Positive Transitions-Care Group is for anyone in an AISA school who is developing intentional systems and processes designed to help students, families, and staff navigate the challenges of transitions within, between and beyond schools.

    Student and Staff Wellbeing

    The Student & Staff Wellbeing o‌nline community is for anyone working in an AISA member school who is dedicated to fostering thriving school environments. Members can exchange ideas and strategies to enhance SEL practices and create positive, resilient school communities through shared resources, discussions, and collaborative problem-solving.

    practice Groups

    AISA Practice Groups are dynamic and interactive online communities focused on disciplined practices.

    AISA Child Protection Practice Group

    Facilitator: Chanel Worsteling

    Audience: Child Protection/Designated Safeguarding leaders, team members, and administrators

    The group offers AISA School Child Protection leaders and DSLs a supportive environment to discuss child protection policies and practice in your school, review serious child protection concerns, share resources and learn from leading experts from across the region and globe.

    Meeting Times: First Tuesday of the month at 8:00 AM GMT

    AISA Service Learning Practice Group

    Facilitator: LeeAnne Lavender

    Audience: Service learning and global citizenship educators and leaders from our PreK-12 AISA member schools

    This practice group involves service-learning educators and leaders from across the AISA region who want to engage in peer learning discussions about topics relating to the development and growth of our service-learning programs.

    Meeting Times: Last Tuesday of the month at 16:00 GMT

    AISA Technology Integration and Blended Learning Practice Group

    Facilitator: Felix Malombe

    Audience: The audience is open to all educators within an AISA member school

    This group is a dynamic and interactive online community created for all educators associated with AISA. It's a platform where you can openly exchange insights, experiences, and innovative ideas about incorporating technology in educational environments. The group's primary focus lies in enhancing student learning outcomes through blended learning models.

    Meeting Times: Last Monday of the month at 16.00 GMT

    Professional Learning Leaders Practice Group

    Facilitator: Dr Graham Carlini Watts and members of the AISA Professional Learning Design Team

    Audience: Leaders of whole-school professional learning at AISA schools

    The Professional Learning Leaders Practice Group offers peer support, collaboration, and insights for those leading professional learning or professional development across their school. Learn how other schools organise professional learning, how budgets are allocated, targets are set, and needs are analysed, and share suggestions on how to ensure PL is impactful.

    Topics we will explore include:

    Understanding Needs, Setting Goals, Managing Budgets Date: 25 Sep 2024, Time: 13:00 – 14:00 GMT

    Monitoring and Evaluating Impact Date: 8 Oct 2024, Time: 13:00 – 14:00 GMT

    Coaching, Risk-taking, Practicing Date: 12 Nov 2024, Time: 13:00 – 14:00 GMT

    Review of Semester 1 and Plans for Semester 2 Date: 10 Dec 2024, Time: 13:00 – 14:00 GMT

    For more information, contact Graham at

    Contact us

    Physical address
    International School of Kenya Campus, Kirawa Rd, Nairobi, Kenya
    Postal Address
    P.O. Box 14103 - 00800, Nairobi, Kenya
    +254 (20) 2697442 / 8076067
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    The Association of International Schools in Africa is dedicated to serving its members throughout Africa. Please let us know if you require additional or specific information, resources and or support, and we will endeavour to assist you as soon as possible.

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