Welcoming a New Year at AISA: Exciting Times Ahead in 2024

POSTED: January 12, 2024Category: AISA Articles, NewsBY: Steve

Dear AISA Community,

As we step into 2024, I extend my heartfelt New Year wishes to each of you. Reflecting on our achievements in the past year, I am filled with pride and anticipation for what lies ahead. This year promises to be enriching and eventful for AISA, and I am eager to share some of the upcoming highlights.

Professional Learning Events: Our Semester Two calendar is packed with engaging events like the AISA-GISS, the ongoing roll-out of our DEIJ Guide, comprehensive Child Protection Training, and the School Heads Symposium. These events are designed to directly enhance your skills and benefit your students. Visit the AISA website for a detailed list of all our Professional Learning Events and more on our core Programmes.

Strategic Partnerships and Programs: This year, we continue to prioritize strategic partnerships and programs that bring diverse perspectives and expertise, enriching the AISA experience and offering tangible benefits to our members.

The Board’s Role: The AISA Board remains deeply involved in setting our strategic direction, with a focus on initiatives that promote growth and innovation, ensuring we meet the evolving needs of our community.

Leadership Transition: As I approach the end of my tenure in June, I reflect on a rewarding 15-year journey with AISA, marked by personal growth and collective achievements. The upcoming transition to Elizabeth Imende’s leadership is a significant milestone. With the support of our amazing AISA team, I am confident her skilled leadership will propel AISA to new successes and growth.

The year ahead is poised to be filled with remarkable achievements and enriching experiences for the AISA community. Let’s embrace these opportunities with enthusiasm and a shared dedication to excellence in international education.

Wishing you a prosperous and engaging year ahead.

Keep Well.

Dr. Peter Bateman
Executive Director, AISA

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