Executive Director Update: Dr Peter Bateman

POSTED: September 7, 2018Category: Executive Director BlogBY: Richard Moire

This month I have begun to re-establish contact with our schools across Africa – particularly our heads of school. We are certainly blessed to have such a depth of talent and commitment leading our schools in the AISA region. In my conversations with them I note that the types of issues our school face are often similar regardless of where our schools are in Africa. Note that I say similar but not the same  – and it is this diversity that makes our work at AISA such an interesting challenge.

A key part of meeting that challenge is to offer you, our members, a rich assortment of learning opportunities. Those coming up in the next few weeks are described elsewhere in this eCircular. Let me highlight a few here:

Hopefully your head of school is joining us for the  (SHR) in Vic Falls in a few weeks (21st – 23rd September 2018). This is a chance for our school leaders to catch their breath and reflect on their goals and objectives for the year ahead. It’s also a great opportunity for them to network with each other and (re)establish those important connections that serve the Heads of AISA schools so well throughout the year. Following straight after the SHR is the AISA Solo Heads workshop which specifically targets the unique needs of another important group in the AISA community – our very small schools.

AISA’s ever growing Professional Learning Institute (PLI) programme has started and will continue to is take place right across Africa right throughout the year. If you cannot find something addresses your needs I invite you to write to me with suggestions I can pass on to our PL design team. 

The AISA Educators Conference (AEC) is in Dakar 20th – 23rd October. Here is the AEC programme summary so you can check what’s on offer. It’s a very rich programme of learning, wellbeing and socializing taking place in one of Africa’s most fascinating and picturesque cities – Dakar!

Just a reminder that there is NO AISA LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE (ALC) this year since we’re holding a combined  2019 AISA Conference for our 50th anniversary in Cape Town in November 2019 (save the dates: 21st – 23rd November 2019 – it’s going to be an educational and social extravaganza)

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