Despite the challenges faced in the early part of this year, AISA has adapted and innovated to bring a rich and varied range of professional learning options to schools.
Some of the highlights of the first half of the 2021/2022 school year include:
Deep Dives
Bringing world-class expertise to our region with eight, highly- focused courses combining synchronous and asynchronous learning for teachers, leaders and co-professionals. This year, for the first time, AISA offered a Deep Dive focused on the PL needs of Teaching Assistants, recognising that their PL needs matter too.
DEIJ Design Challenges
The design thinking format of this event proved very popular with participants as it offers a fast and efficient way for a team to collaborate in the planning process. The Design Challenge format is definitely an option you will see in future AISA PL programmes.
Virtual Conference Day
With 839 people registered, this was our largest PL event in recent years. Wellbeing practices, affinity groups and workshops, provided something for everyone in AISA schools and offered a much-needed opportunity to connect, reflect and share experiences.
Looking Ahead to 2022 – AISA will be offering a range of Professional Learning Institutes, Conference Events and Webinars throughout semester 2 so explore our learning programme, register now or save the date.
The Association of International Schools in Africa is dedicated to serving its members throughout Africa. Please let us know if you require additional or specific information, resources and or support, and we will endeavour to assist you as soon as possible.